Free MP3 download and turning on the band.

You know what I mean. Just sit and think for a moment. You were sitting on a couch late one night watching E!, and marvelling how the band with such huge cult following appeared like faded away.
Or might be you are now with those who still follow the band. Well, free MP3 download have changed the cult approach to bands and how much people still follow them.

Think about how costly it is for the bands to tour without any major label and the entire weight of the music industry depends on it. Let us think about how that reflects with everything else, along with how costly the concert tickets have become for the consumers. It seems ridiculous, as you get much of your latest music download through MP3. It is specifically ridiculous in the concert scenario when you understand you can get most of the highlights on YouTube for almost nothing. Gone are those days of owing up on the show days early to park the bus, hook up, tune out and camp out.

Let us discuss in details. For bands such as Blues Traveler, Grateful Dead, Phish and others, the internet doesn’t make live attendance a necessity to be part of the scenario. RSS feeds and blogs enable people to climb up without anybody standing on top to toss off the freeloaders. Thus, there is less communal vibe usually due to these virtual and artificial communities. New fans aren’t as worried about live music performances. They really don’t care if the musicians actually play instruments and as a matter of fact, spoof is fine also.

The latest naija news and other new technology have brought all this. For instance, the reality is that in this modern era, anyone with a webcam and a Casio can turn into an internet rock star. In no time that person may be on the Colbert Report and on the Daily Show. However, it may turn out to be a really cute song and the visuals can actually sell the band.

Therefore, free MP3 download and the rest of the internet have radically changed the meaning of following a band. However, there are still those diehards out there that go to concerts, purchase the tees, hide behind the concert halls, ignoring the venue and everything else that is not that common. As a matter of fact, it appears that the hardcore followers of a given group are not the ones that are not involved in the concert scenario anymore. Why?

It is because the bands have those types of followings that Miley Cyrus experienced at the age of 13. Therefore, it might be better to say that the options available for latest music download might not have really killed the music industry, they have simply changed it.


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